In March 2022, the group made its nationwide debut with the novel release of 'M-card with Kintaro candy'. In 2021, the group released one mini-album and eight singles, and their nationwide tour started in August, selling out all seven shows, including the final show at Spotify O-EAST. With catchy songs that move freely between rock, dance music, and pop, and a strong and formidable skill set that allows all members to play the main role, they overwhelm the audience with their unrivaled live performances. Their eccentric activities, such as live performances on the famous Noh stage in Kamakura, have attracted a lot of attention. They have achieved rapid growth with their quick distribution and unique shows during the Corona pandemic. The current group began in November 2019.
Instead of running away from difficulties, Neo Japonism has the strength to win against themselves. NEO JAPONISM is a five-member idol group whose concept is 'to fight - to win and live together”.